Toddler Room
Ages 12 months to 3 years.
Hi Parents!
Welcome to Totally Tots Toddler Classroom. We are so excited to have your child joining our classroom. We want to go over what our daily schedule will look like and what you can do to prepare your child before coming to Totally Tots.
We will have a monthly calendar and this will be published on the Brightwheel app at the beginning of every month. In our calendar we will include arts and crafts, science, reading, music, fine motor activities, and gross motor activities. We will also have circle time everyday. During Circle time we will sing songs, learn sign language, talk about shapes colors, talk about the weather, the months of the year, days of the week, and close with the storytime. This is a very engaging time for children and they love to be a part of helping and being a part of the discussion. If your child does not feel like engaging in circle time that is okay and they can continue to find something else they would like to do.
In the Toddler room we start working on potty-training but we do not want to ever cross any boundaries that have not been stated. Please let us know when you are starting the toileting process and we can continue that process here. If you're a child is still in diapers, we kindly ask that you provide diapers as well as two packs of wipes each month. We will combine the wipes with everyone else if your child has a sensitivity and uses a specific brand of wipes you can bring those and we will separate them from the rest. We will be inputting all diaper changes into Brightwheel as they are learning to use the potty. If your child is completely potty-trained we will not be inputting that into Brightwheel unless you ask us differently. Please provide extra clothes to keep at school in case of any messes throughout the day or any accidents that may happen. If your child is potty training please make sure to have plenty of extra clothes, underwear, socks and shoes. We cannot wash any soiled clothes so we will place them in a bag to be sent home at the end of the day. If you would like to bring slippers for your child to wear while inside please do so.
For nap we will provide cots as well as sheets for your child. They will be washed daily so there is no need for you to provide sheets. If your child has a favorite blanket stuffed animal or pillow they would like to bring please feel free we will send them home daily or at the end of the week. Nap time will begin at 12:00 and end at 3:00 and snack will follow.Please make sure that you are packing your child breakfast, lunch, and a few snacks for the day. We will have breakfast at 8:00, lunch at 11:00 and snack at 3:30. We kindly ask that you are packing enough nutritious food everyday. If you would like to bring two already prepared milk cups for breakfast and lunch, you may. Please label the cups. We will be offering water throughout the day so please make sure to bring a labeled water bottle to keep at school. We will have a microwave for your child's food to be warmed if needed. pease provide appropriate clothing for your child and make sure your child has clothing that fits the current season. We will be sure to send clothing home once in a while to be switched out if your child has outgrown them or we are preparing for the next season. Your child does need to have a winter coat ,snow pants, boots ,and gloves everyday. If you would like us to keep everything here and send it home at the end of the week we can do that. Again please make sure your child's belongings are labeled first and last name. We will try our best to make sure everything returns back to their cubby but sometimes things do get misplaced.
Please reach out with any questions you may have. We will be more than happy to help. We look forward to meeting you and having your child as a part of our class.
With love,
Olivia, and Naysa.